In the wake of the historic and pernicious over reaching by Republican politicians at both state and federal levels, who won election in 2010 by making promises they never intended to keep, we are forming a political action committee called the Save Our Nation PAC, or SONPAC for short.

SONPAC is committed to reversing the many draconian laws that have been passed already by these deceptive politicians, and to preventing further encroachment of this pernicious regressive political agenda on our local, state and national governments.

We are particularly dedicated to reversing the Citizens United sell-out that put our entire electoral system on the auction block. That is at the very core of our community creed.

We invite everyone who believes in future progress and fair government by fair election, to join our organization and help us confront and resist and reverse this political undertow.

Our prime directive is to create public AND virtual events as venues for progressive causes. It is the COMBINATION of these two networking mediums that brought so many people to Madison to protest the Walker Republicans' over reach, and either would have been less without the other. We are committed to developing this model, live events and virtual networking, working together for progressives.

Most Citizens United era PACS tend to focus on advertising campaigns, however, our main focus will be to create and organize EVENTS, and do some online networking and advertising to promote those events. While we will certainly endorse many progressive candidates, if we provide any sort of direct or indirect support, it will be to organize gatherings where they can give their stump speech and network that information around the internet.

We intend to create a marriage of boots-on-the-ground activism coordinated with a virtual campaign that uses contemporary media to get people together in real world venues, events where candidates and causes can promote their campaigns face-to-face.

We will soon be registering as a membership-based non-profit PAC, and our FEC filing information will be available to all active members.

It is time for all good people to come to the aid of their country, and help Save Our Nation from those who would drive us backwards, into a political dark ages, where the middle class has all but disappeared, and only the rich and the poor remain.

Constitutional Amendment Proposed to Overturn Citizens United

Congressman Dan Boren, a Democrat representing Oklahoma's 2nd District, has crafted a bill that would create a constitutional amendment that requires all campaign contributions to originate from the state or district the candidate is running in, and from the citizens who can actually cast a vote in that election.
Here's the link to Boren's website, and the page they built to introduce this far-reaching, democracy-saving amendment. Click the link, or paste this into your browser to get there. We advise EVERYONE who believes in clean elections to support this bill, especially our congressional members.
Please pass this link around to all your friends and online associates, this is the beginning of the end for special interest money controlling our elections.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Take part in SONPAC'S 4th of July Recall Festival in Madison, Wisconsin....

Our first project is to help organize a 4th of July weekend Recall Festival in Madison, Wisconsin, for the purpose of bringing together out-of-state volunteers and Wisconsin recall organizations,  we volunteers want from all across the state AND the nation to be there.  After we place people with their respective organizations, we will spend some time getting to know each other, with music and entertainment to help the night along.

While it may look like a big ol' shindig to the casual observer standing outside looking in, the real purpose of this patriotic gathering is to give non-residents an opportunity to show our support for and solidarity with Wisconsin's courageous legislators, and all the activists who have gathered to protest these bad laws. We want to offer these Wisconsin leaders some manpower for the next week, a few extra boots-on-the-ground to help them in their canvassing and tabling.  So the main thing we will do at this event will be to match up Wisconsin host groups with small groups of out-of-state volunteers who are willing to join the recall campaign  during its final week.

Our goal is to get a lot of folks to stick around and help all the Wisconsin recall activists in a week-long grassroots outreach,  to inspire Wisconsin's electorate to turn out in record numbers for the recall elections on July 12, and to send a message to Scott Walker and his fellow, willful Wisconsin Republicans, that we say NO to their wayward laws, and we refuse to go quietly into the night while they dismantle two centuries of democratic progress.

So starting July 1, we invite everyone to gather at campgrounds and parks and meeting places in and around Madison, all leading up to one BIG event,  somewhere in the Madison area on the afternoon of July 2nd and/or 3rd.  We are currently looking for the best big open-field public venue for staging this event from, and we are still in the process of reaching out to entertainers and speakers who might be willing to help get the people fired up for this historic moment in Wisconsin and U.S. political history.

Any advice or input you might want to offer would be appreciated,  you can email to us directly at, which will also add your name to our email list.  Or you can contact one of the co-founders, non-residents can email John Patterson at, and Wisconsin residents can contact Russ King at

Even if you don't have suggestions, but you want to participate, you can still send us an email, to add your name and email address to our contact list, so we can keep you posted on our progress. Or if you prefer, just log back in to this blogsite on a regular basis for further updates. Either way, we hope you will join us for the 2011 4th of July Weekend Real Patriots Recall Festival, either virtually or with your boots-on-the-ground in Madison, Wisconsin.

Everyone who has seen it knows what a beautiful place Wisconsin is in the summertime, and how accommodating they are to anyone who travels to and through there.  It is worth the trip, just for the scenery.

So, if you do not have a 4th of July  vacation planned, and you can make those plans around some park or campground near or resort close enough to Madison to get you there in less than a couple hours,  you would not only enjoy the geography and scenery, you would be close to the time and place we intend to gather.  We have people in Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Illinois and Kansas signing on so far,  if there is enough interest and coordination, we'll have a caravan rolling in from each state..

We have made tentative arrangements to livestream this event with a local media outlet, so even if you can't make it to the festival, you can take part online.

Join us in Madison this 4th of July weekend, and help the people of Wisconsin reclaim their state government.


  1. I was amused at the freshmen Republicans who appealed to President Obama to stifle the Democrats who were using their Ryan bill vote as political ammunition.

    EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FRESHFACED FROSH ran ona jobs, jobs, jobs platform, and they have done NOTHING to create jobs.

    If they wonder why they are being confronted at their town halls by LEGITIMATE grassroots resistance, they need to consider this question.

    Did ANY of them say in their pre-election stump speeches "Vote for me and I'll go to Washington and gut your hard-won Medicare and Social Security benefits, before 6 months have passed."

    I think not.
